Friday, June 25, 2010


So...... School is out for summer. Yay...? I'm not sure yet. First I need to give a shout out to all the moms out there. Having the kids in school (all or some of them!!) is a blessing in disguise. It gives the moms a wee bit of a break from all of the most important needs of the children...... and so when school is out, there is much more time for the mothers to meet the needs of the children. Were I not unemployed, I would not have the perspective of a mother. The working husbands might feel they have a "true" understanding of having the kids home all day (Saturdays and Sundays) but alas, they are, due to there diligence in there given responsibility, could not possibly have the experience and thus gain the true perspective that summer brings to amother. Having had the experience myself (and yes moms, I understand that as of this date, we are only a few days into summer!) thus far, I stand firm in the belief that even the strongest of men would shake, and maybe even buckle under the pressure of a summer with all the kids!!! Hats of to the mothers..... I don't know how you do it, and stay sane!! I do realize that in so expressing my lack of internal fortitude and compassion may be a sign of weakness, my hope is that my confession/omage to mothers will be viewed more as an expression of humility and not weakness.

On to my reason for this particular entry. Although I do strive to approach what I type with a sense of humor, todays topic is a bit more introspective than anything. I've been told that you should do what you're good at, and since I am a narcisist..... well, I'll write about myself. If you were asked to describe yourself in one word, what would it be? Some may say to themselves "Thoughtful..... Loving..... A Master Swordsman...." Well, my one word description would be Unkempt. Truly, there has never been one single word that can best describe myself than this....

Don't get me wrong, just because I may use that word Unkempt to describe myself doesn't mean I don't love myself. I love myself.... who wouldn't? I mean really..... The reason I bring this up is this. There are few things I loathe in life more than a cluttered home. Dirty dishes are my enemy, and childrens toys and clothes are my Nemsis'...... I can't stand having a messy home. Now, before all the women out there get upset, I love my wife and she does a WONDERFUL JOB at making our house a house of order. In no way am I implicating my wife in this entry of any type of negligence...... remember, I'm the subject of this post!!

I ask my children to clean up. The inevitable whine and moan of the collective soars to the Heavens, pleading for a reprieve. "Please Daddy, do we have to clean?!!" "I don't want to clean!!" and of course, with complete and valiant obstinence "You can't make me clean!!" Sound familiar anyone......? I have to mentally prepare myself for the onslaught if objections before I make my request, but sometimes all the preperation sizzles in an instant, and the inevitable battle of wills begins.

Do you think there are times in our lives that we behave in the same manner as our children? When we receive the same type of request (or command) from our Father in Heaven, what kind of reaction to we have? "Please, do we have to do it now?" "I don't want that calling" "I don't want to help at the Cannery" Now we're in deep water. I don't speak for anyone else (because I can't) but how often do we fight the Natural Man in the struggle of aligning our will to His? In my belief the struggle lives on moment to moment, day to day.... One of my favorite quotes, and one which I am still trying to disect and digest, is from Elder Neil Anderson. In a talk published in teh Liahona (Nov. 2008) he said "Faith is not only a feeling, it is a decision" That statement hit me with such profundity (yes, that is a real word) that it brought tears to my eyes. How easily we get distracted, as do our little children, from the true PURPOSE of our time and existence here on this earth that when suggestions, proclamations, or commandments are made or given our first and strongest response may be to repel it.

As I strive with my children to maintain clean home, I have come to understand that I need to pursue ever stronger the cleanliness of my heart, might mind, and strength. Faith is not only a feeling, but a decision. One of my favorite readings to recite in my mind is the Serenity Pray. "God, grant me the strength serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference." I know I can do a little better, every day the Savior gives us opportunities to do a little better. I am grateful for the gospel, grateful for my kids, and ever grateful for my wife. She is inestimable........ and I adore her.

May we always strive to keep our house in order........

1 comment:

Queen of the Cats said...

Love your blog, this post is so true!
Love you!